It’s good to know that even during lockdown good things can happen. A group of residents from Tameside have formed the Friends of the Tame Valley to care for parts of the Tame Valley in Audenshaw, Denton and Hyde (Shepley Wood, Jet Amber Fields, Upper Haughton and Whittles Meadows) that are not part of a nature reserve and have been neglected for many years. MCS Secretary, Rob Hardman, has joined the new group as a Committee member and hopes the group will be pivotal in initiating improvements in the valley for local residents and visitors to enjoy. Rob Said: “I grew up on Hyde Road in Denton and my parents would frequently take us walking through the valley and I would also explore the area with friends or on my own. I now live on Cemetery Road in Audenshaw and often take my youngest daughter and the dog for walks.
It’s a fantastic space and I look forward to helping improve it to a standard residents deserve and that the group will be able to develop new features and lasting improvements that will be enjoyed by many generations to come.”
The group was set up in February 2021 by Denton and Reddish M.P., Andrew Gwynne, along with local councillors and was met with a huge response from locals wanting to get involved with 65 people attending the inaugural AGM via zoom. The group will work with landowners to maintain and improve the area via voluntary action and grant applications.
Group Chair, Councillor Denise Ward said ” There is a lot of enthusiasm and, before we formed our group, some people already do their own litter picks voluntarily. It is a lovely area and been used by more people than ever during lockdown – walkers, cyclists and dog walkers. We have already been out to see what needs to be done like repairs to fencing and stiles and would like to put up things like bat boxes.”
By the middle of March volunteers have already cleared up over 200 bags of litter and fly tipping and the group has secured a grant of £6420 from the Bradley Park Community Fund towards the maintenance of Jet Amber Fields.
MCS wishes the Friends of the Tame Valley all the best in their endeavours and as a token of our appreciation for the work they are doing we have made a small donation of 4 litter pickers and some bin bags to help them in their fight against litter.
If you are interested in the group you can find them on Facebook and online at fotv.org.uk. Anybody wanting to get involved can email Denise Ward at denise.ward@tameside.gov.uk or Andrew Gwynne at ajgwynne@sky.com